Roundtable with the Hon. Bob Carr, former Foreign Minister and Premier
Roundtable with the Hon. Bob Carr, former Foreign Minister and Premier

Roundtable with the Hon. Bob Carr, former Foreign Minister and Premier

On 13 May 2020, MIAS was honoured to host Professor The Hon. Bob Carr, former Foreign Minister and Premier of New South Wales, for a roundtable discussion with our members.

Professor Carr spoke about his experience both in foreign affairs, federal politics and state politics. Recounting from his book Run for your Life, the former Foreign Minister discussed how important diplomatic relations were during such volatile times, citing his own experiences and what he witnessed while Foreign Minister in the Gillard Government and the Second Rudd Government. His insight is unique, being Foreign Minister during Australia’s term on the Security Council, the Palestinian Observer Status vote at the UN, and further engagement with China.

The longest serving Premier of New South Wales since Federation, Professor Carr also gave insight into leadership, encouraging students to engage with politics. This included discussion on how to manage difficult situations and how to deal with troublesome issues, while striving to rebuild a political party after historical losses.

MIAS is grateful to Professor Carr and his Office for assisting in the organisation of this event.